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TerrainCAD for Bricscad 1.0

TerrainCAD for Bricscad 1.0

Screenshots of TerrainCAD for Bricscad

TerrainCAD for Bricscad Publisher's Description

TerrainCAD for Bricscad is a terrain modeling plug-in for Bricscad®. This plug-in gives Bricscad the ability to create a terrain mesh from a set of unordered points, lines and polylines. The terrain mesh is created as a Delaunay Triangulation, which is regarded as the best method to create a terrain mesh from unorganized point data. TerrainCAD for Bricscad can also import a set of points from a text file containing point coordinate data along with point numbers and point descriptions. TerrainCAD for Bricscad is powered by TerrainLib, a state of the art terrain modeling library developed by SYCODE.
TerrainCAD for Bricscad is very easy to use. Once installed, it automatically loads itself into Bricscad and adds a new submenu called "TerrainCAD" to the Bricscad menu.
The 'TerrainCAD' menu consists of the following commands:
TCImportPoints - Import points from a text file
TCCreateTerrain - Create a mesh from a set of unordered points, lines and polylines
TCSolidifyTerrain - Solidify a terrain
TCMeshProperties - Displays the properties of a mesh
TCMeshMerge - Merge meshes of faces into a single mesh
TCHelp - Displays the TerrainCAD for Bricscad help file
TCRegister - Registers your copy of TerrainCAD for Bricscad
TCAbout - Displays the TerrainCAD for Bricscad about box

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